In the continuing one-sided dialogue between God and the Middle East “Peacemakers”, God once again spoke very eloquently yesterday. In the Palestinian elections – which was pushed very hard by the Bush Administration as a key component to the peace process – God allowed not the so-called moderate political party (Fatah) to win, instead He allowed the most brutal anti-Israel terrorist organization Hamas to achieve a landslide victory …thus throwing the so-called “peace-process” into total disarray. Hamas has been responsible for countless suicide bombings inside Israel, and has as its core intent “the destruction of the state of Israel” . Now they become the official ruling government of the Palestinian people. It will be interesting to see what the so-called “peacemakers” try next. They will be best served to realize that the true roadmap to Middle-East peace lies not in their man-driven diplomacy, but in God’s written Bible. The Bible is clear: God is working on His Israel project, an...
Modern life from a Biblical Viewpoint