Have you ever wondered how come such a small country (about the size of Rhode Island) can continue to be the target of all things violent and hate filled? Everyday, the news headlines are filled with attention (mostly negative) on this nation. The UN hates them, the Europeans loathe them, the Arabs want to destroy them and the Americans are schizophrenic about them. Of course I am referring to the State of Israel. If nothing else, it does prove the point that when God says something, all should listen. In the Old Testament, God stated that Jerusalem will be a "burdensome stone" (Isaiah 8:14), and that "He will defend her against her enemies" (Zechariah 9:8). The irony is that most of the adversaries mentioned in the first paragraph claim officially or by behavior not to believe in the all-powerful God of Abraham, Isasac and Jacob. So in their blind zeal, they continue an all out assault on the nation of Israel, yet to no avail. The Americans (as most lukewarm believ...
Modern life from a Biblical Viewpoint