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Ignore God and Decrease Your Birth Rates

I read a very interesting article yesterday in the New York Times on the topic of the shrinking birth rate in Europe over the past few decades. The article outlines the demographic danger facing Europe with the high likelihood that several countries (Italy, Spain and Germany among others) will see their native populations decrease by up to 40% by 2050. According to the article, the replacement birth rate necessary to maintain an equal population size from generation to generation is 2.1 children born to each woman. In Europe according to the article the rate is well below 2.0, with some countries closer to 1.5 and dropping. It is a lengthy and very interesting read that sheds some light on a phenomenon that in all likelihood will reshape the face of Western Europe within 100 years.

The interesting thing about the article is that it was published after extensive research and interviews with many experts and it offers various possible explanations for why this situation has developed. Conspicuously absent from this very exhaustive overview is the possibility that increased abortion levels and increased homosexuality plays a role in the shrinking number of children. As is usual in the contemporary media, true honesty is absent from virtually every situation. Though no absolute answer could be offered, and many hypotheses presented, why wouldn’t the obvious impacts of abortion and homosexuality not be explored? The likely reason is that the New York Times would not want to explore any possibility that abortion and homosexuality could be having an eroding and destructive effect on many modern societies.

Simply put however, every aborted child is one less living human being that makes up part of the population. Every man and woman who choose a homosexual lifestyle is two less people who will create another human being that would make up part of a country’s population. These facts cannot be disputed, therefore they are ignored. It is a matter of basic mathematics. Ultimately, God (the creator of all living things) did not allow any latitude in the events that MUST take place to maintain the human population: There MUST be procreation by a man and a woman; babies conceived by this procreation MUST be born. So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. (Genesis 1: 27-28 NLT) God offers no other realistic alternatives.

Unfortunately, sinful, prideful man has decided to go his own way (as seen throughout Western Europe and many other parts of the world). The inevitable result is a shrinking population in many “developed” countries, so much so that these countries will inevitably abort themselves in the process.

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