Picture an 80-something grandmother who requires more chemotherapy or Alzheimer’s treatments or additional MRIs to try and diagnose her persistent fainting spells. To the liberals (translation: ungodly) proponents of the so-called healthcare bill, it is impractical to spend “scarce resources” on this life that is going to end shortly anyway. Sure it sounds insidious, but think about it: it is no different than the already raging reality of ending the life of the child unborn, because it will be impractical to spend “money or emotional energy we don’t have” to raise it to adulthood. Make no mistake about it, the motivation behind euthanasia of the elderly is closely related to the motivation for ending the life of the unborn at the other end of the life arc. Both are privately being done “for the good of society”. After all, we only have so many resources (financial or social) to spend on those who are viable.
As referenced earlier, only those who live ungodly lives could make conscious decisions to support this type of lifestyle or governmental legislation. To such people, there is no higher authority to whom one must give an account. The worship of or subservience to the God of the Bible for such people is an irritating distraction. If not for large enough blocs of people who hold dear to this God and the principles He demands (such as an unwavering respect for the lives that He alone created though His Son Jesus Christ), these liberal unbelievers could get their legislation through with little resistance. If not for this God, aborted babies would go silently into the trash-heap with no one screaming bloody murder. If only this God thing would go away or at the very least be constructed in their liberal vision…such as Oprah Winfrey’s flavor of the month belief system or most things offered on Newsweek’s "On Faith" website. This god would not place any “unreasonable” demands on us about aborting either the elderly or the unborn. If only.